And today I did......

Andy I think the Ogre is the old Karate Monkey with a couple of extra braze ons. The new Karate Monkey comes without canti bosses. If you like it there is a suitably sized old Karate Monkey frame on Ebay. Well sized for you and Velo.
Still not convinced of the 29er arguement and I have been riding my bodged example but i'm probably too set in my ways.

Anyhoo its nice to know there are still bargains to be had in ebay land. Just received a single speed rear wheel and disc hubbed front wheel with cartridge bearings I purchased at the buy it now price of £20 :D
Both seem smooth and true even if the rims are basic rigida items but the rear hubs a DMR Revolver and the front a Grimeca.
Don't know if I mentioned it to everyone (probably not) but over the last 12 months Ive been desperate to change my job.

Well today Ive been head hunted by a local business man to.

A. Work for him running one of his small businesses as a employee.
B. Work for him running the above as self employed.
C. Him selling the whole thing to me lock stock & barrel.

Its been a funny old day :shock:
RobMac":32vhps52 said:
Don't know if I mentioned it to everyone (probably not) but over the last 12 months Ive been desperate to change my job.

Well today Ive been head hunted by a local business man to.

A. Work for him running one of his small businesses as a employee.
B. Work for him running the above as self employed.
C. Him selling the whole thing to me lock stock & barrel.

Its been a funny old day :shock:
Leven getting a new hoormeister? :wink: