And today I did......

The KM was not to heavy either, wish I had put it on the scales. However I don't think the forks were particularly light and I recon you could save some weight on the clamp Mr K, the one I got is pretty heavy IIRC albeit strong 8)

A LHT is on my radar Rob, for now it's the only type of bike I want and when money allows think I might go for one. I will have to get a fancy paint job as the standard surly options are tough but pretty boring really.
clockworkgazz":kg268unu said:
A LHT is on my radar Rob, for now it's the only type of bike I want and when money allows think I might go for one. I will have to get a fancy paint job as the standard surly options are tough but pretty boring really.

Tough! :? Mmmmmmm I dont know if I'd agree with that, mines is a 2009 maybe the new ones have improved though :?
BTW I picked that military green colour and debadged it to deter sticky finger fcuks :evil:
Decals were poor as well :?

Evening all :D
Kaiser, with the Pugs its the wheels that start to get weighty, the frame is not much different to my 1 x1 except its been spread apart front and rear. The tyres are big and while not seeming heavy they are certainly more so than your average tyre, I suppose they are really 2 x 29 tyres stuck together regards weight. Surly light tubes are still around 400g per tube :shock:
The large marge rims are not light by any means, you can get the LM XC rims with the holes in them so they would come up lighter.
The wheels are the expensive part of the build and thats why I snapped up the frame I have as I got a complete wheel, LM rim onto XT hub and also another LM rim, with mine. I purchased a Surly SS disc rear hub from Jelle at Singlespeed Central at a bargain price which was cheaper than I could buy an LX hub. The bottom bracket I am going with the standard ISIS as the only real alternative is the Phil Woods and its out of my budget by a long way.
There are some cheaper suppliers out there as I'm sure you'll find but if you want to know where I got stuff from just drop me a line.
As for Surly, I suppose they do as they say on the tin.
I really love riding my 1X1, easily the most enjoyable mountain bike I have ever owned. Not the lightest and probably not the quickest, but it fits like a glove, is comfortable all day, and I've never finished a ride thinking I need something else. Every ride is fun and considering I ride 75% on my own, that matters.
Same goes for my LHT and I'm hoping for the same for the Pugsley.
Each to their own as they say, long live diversity :wink:

All this talk of Surly LHT is unpatriotic as basically its just a tourer with a cool name. We Brits have been building all manner of tourers for years past and still do. The Dawes Galaxy is a benchmark plus there is Mercian, Bob jackson, Dave Yates, Paul Hewit, Saracen, Ridgeback, Claud Butler, Thorn, Orbit and numerous others. If I was to go non UK then Koga Myata would trump Surly in my book plus for Jamie's interest there are a few serious expedition tourers made in Australia :D

Money no object then this would be a choice for me and I like the company name :lol:

If USA is a must check this lot out 8)

Hi Velo
Fully understand where your coming from.
Theres a few good builders back home for sure but like everything bespoke along with Mercian and the other small volume british builders they are at minimum twice the price of a Surly LHT. At no piont am I saying Surly are better, been doing it longer or anything at all like that. I sold my Koga Miyata world traveler because it was slightly too big and replaced it with a new LHT frame plus had money left over to get bits I didnt have. It doesnt have the individual build quality or the build detail or paint, but it has everything a good tourer needs and that includes good handling loaded. I would have liked a Bob jackson world tour but alas my budget didnt stretch that far. For me and my budget they are certainly good value, well built and ride nicely.
For the ones you mention Velo agood few of those are probaly built in the same Taiwanese factory and the others like Hewitt, Jackson, Mercian etc are bespoke and expensive by comparison.
I've ridden a couple of Dawes galaxy and they were Ok but didnt do anything for me. The older of the two seemed a better built and better equipted machine. Like most they tend to be rising in price and lower the spec and I think are grossly overpriced for a decent specced one new.

I didnt mean to inply in any way that they were superior machines or the like, I bought mine because I liked it more than anything else available, and had wanted one for a while.
I'm happy with mine but like my 1x1 I know its not for everyone and thats fine as I bought it for me, not anyone else.
Remeber, they're only bits of metal at the end of the day..........
....well....unless its carbon.......or plastic...........oh, you get the drift :wink:

Hey not getting at anyone its just all I hear is Surly these days. Surly are great for inovative stuff but are not top quality. To me Surly are the On-One of the USA and although many would not dispute value for money, no one would say best you can get.

I like the Surly Pacer but then I think that its just a 10 speed racer style bike of the 70's built for todays rider and so I go buy a 10 speed racer of the 70's for peanuts and it does everything the Surly does ( Dawes Spirit I'm bringing on 28th is maybe not the greatest comparison but I like it and it was free). So for me I'd get a second hand lugged steel tourer such as a Galaxy rather than stretch my finances to a LHT. Inovative Surly's like KM's, Instigators, Pugsleys etc cool. Nothing new Surly's like Pacers, LHT's, Crosschecks and Steamrollers are a bit dull but are good vfm though maybe not the Steamroller :)

Keep trucking Jamie
velomaniac":u4i4alze said:
Hey not getting at anyone its just all I hear is Surly these days. Surly are great for inovative stuff but are not top quality. To me Surly are the On-One of the USA and although many would not dispute value for money, no one would say best you can get.

I.m pretty sure Surley are part of the same group as Salsa, basically set up as a left field kind of side to the business.
Jamie, I'm running through several wheelbuilds at the moment, it does look like I'm going to go for 80mm Rolling Dayrlls, probably splash out on some Hope hubs as well. BTW Bontrager have a tube that fits the fat tyre and saves a shed load of weight, of course puncture protection goes down, but the options is out there. Some of the tyre options are showing a reduction in weight too, at he bulky end your looking around the 1900gm mark and some of the new tyres are down to 1200gm. All in all theres 5lbs+ to be saved through wheel choice!

PS should have a pic coming soon :D

I get the comparison with on one V but for me Surly are just that bit moreso, sure both excell in the niche market but for me Surly are creating it not copying it to a budget.
Today I finally got back into my Hotmail account after a couple of months locked out, 1794 emails sitting :shock:
Sifted through most of them :?