And today I did......

Over the last couple of weeks there's been some long awaited parts for builds arriving today was no exception :D

"A love it when a plan comes together"

I havent got two pennies to rub together but Im happy :lol:
RobMac":18copu0e said:
Over the last couple of weeks there's been some long awaited parts for builds arriving today was no exception :D

"A love it when a plan comes together"

I havent got two pennies to rub together but Im happy :lol:

Well at least you have all the bits.I personally hate starting a build and not having something needed,like cant fit forks/wheel/brakes without the headset etc.Really impatient :oops:

I will soon be the proud owner of a bianchi 1885 :D As well as the Coppi :oops:
Today I took my brother in law to be round Glentress, didn't quite kill him but did burst him slightly. Rode the Dialled singlespeed and it coped with aplomb! So much so that I've blootered ZZ oot the park on a number of Strava segments :P And to cap it off the weather was glorious. Nae pics as some numpty must have left the camera on when uploading last time :oops:
kaiser":2enfwt4z said:
Rode the Dialled singlespeed and it coped with aplomb! So much so that I've blootered ZZ oot the park on a number of Strava segments :P

:lol: :lol: :lol:

managed a few hours on the road bike, plesant autumn day for it. planning a trip to glentress next weekend, been a while since i rode a fat tyre
zigzag":1hzatm2z said:
Nice one K! Those Alpine's are fast, eh? :D

I'm very happy with the way its going so far :) The singlespeed has been fine, but I'll admit I reckon I'd be a bit quicker with gears.
I knew I couldn't keep that paypal balance very long :roll: ........
Hoy Kaiser, this is a bad habbit you've developed. Every time you buy something you make us guess what it is. If you want to show off just tell us or hud yer wheesht :roll: