Love the storey, it’s so similar to my own I could just cut and paste it, except I grew up near New Quay West Wales, and my older brothers MBUK & MTBpro hand me down purchases were to blame. I too have since built the original dream JMC replica a few years ago. And so it’s made me list my spare original FSX brace on eBay for those like you who need them, in return for all those who helped me with mine...
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Love the storey, it’s so similar to my own I could just cut and paste it, except I grew up near New Quay West Wales, and my older brothers MBUK & MTBpro hand me down purchases were to blame. I too have since built the original dream JMC replica a few years ago. And so it’s made me list my spare original FSX brace on eBay for those like you who need them, in return for all those who helped me with mine...
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I thought I'd best point that one out for you just in case all you could see was 'shiny thing' and hadn't noticed!
I thought it was just a vbrake brace, until I looked at the pics closely, and you can see it no longer has the 'brushed' finish on the top where it has been filed and smoothed after removal
I thought I'd best point that one out for you just in case all you could see was 'shiny thing' and hadn't noticed!
I thought it was just a vbrake brace, until I looked at the pics closely, and you can see it no longer has the 'brushed' finish on the top where it has been filed and smoothed after removal
For sure, always looking...But I'm not in a hurry. My FSX'll go on my Boulder Defiant build and maybe I'll take the way of an frame matching colour paint or polished Judy arch...I'm waiting for another set of Prismatic Powders samples and I'm undecided at this time, but for sure always interested to take a look at the result...
A productive weekend meant I was able to move forward in a few areas.
First up, pedals. Which I'd always planned on being another nod to the JMC bike, so a set of Odyssey Triple Traps.
In keeping with the theme, and not wanting to have this bike feel too much like a JMC But Not Quite, I opted for the silver and black versions. Which I managed to source on eBay for cheap, and stamped "95" too.
Unfortunately I also managed to have a total brainfart and forgot to confirm with the seller they were the 9 1/6" size. Which they weren't.
Less nice!
Anyway, a new pair was sourced instead.
Now, I originally thought (and this is a sign of retro madness right here), that I would switch out the new cages for the old, 95-stamped ones, but having done so felt they looked just a little too beat-up for the rest of the build. So I stuck with the new stock repros instead:
So with the pedals on, it was time to (loosely) fit the brakes...
Tri-Aligns, of course!
These were yet another nod to the JMC bike, but also the Hot Rod Spec from 95.
Finding the matching Ultimate levers is going to take forever (plus a large hit to the wallet), so in the meanwhile I'm on the hunt for something else that might work (to be later moved onto the next build).
Yep, there's already a next build! Thanks RB!
I really want to ride this thing, especially now it's getting so close to being done. Which means that while I wait for the rest of the cockpit to arrive, I've decided to keep going in the hopes I can figure out a lever solution before too long; get everything cabled-up and hopefully take it out for a spin some day soon.
Then I can spend the rest of however long begging, borrowing and stealing my way to the levers this bike really deserves!
Anyway, I wanted to see what the brakes would look like on, and couldn't resit another hit of yellow, so picked these up for a silly price:
Installing them took a surprising amount of effort! (It turns out the rubber from the pad had somehow managed to get caught up in the thread on the pin inside that little stem, which meant slowly, carefully removing and cleaning everything up before they could be installed correctly). So much for innovation! Anyway, I'm assuming these are basically a pointless/novelty upgrade, but the little extra hit of black at the end of the silver bar is a welcome touch regardless:
As is the bronze/brass colour of the replacement springs (although I need to dig out a few more of those to complete the set).
I'm even contemplating replacing all the bolts with new (or even black) versions. Although maybe that's going a little too far?
Anyway, as everyone following this thread already knows, I'm on the hunt for the original brake arch for the FSX's. But in the meantime @kokies has kindly sorted me out with a regular, champagne-colored Judy brace for a fair price.
I was planning to paint this black when it arrived, but now I kind of like it enough with the rest of the build to ride it as-is. Until SRP work their magic and launch the correct repro version anyway! Which I can't wait to get my hands on.
Thanks again Kokies!
Here's how the front end is looking now:
(That off-center 'W' is still doing my head in though! Enough that I might just end up refitting the headset... )