

I'd be keen to know how you get on actually, just been invited to a BPW outing later in July....
Would be choosing between my stumper M2 or my FSR, but not sure about hardtails at BPW....

Hi, I've got 2 visits lined up. One with a colleague and his mates and a second with my brother-in-law and his kids. All of them will be riding modern stuff but I'll be taking my uber'd Cannondale Super V on both visits.

I've never been before but I reckon both your bike and mine will be fine.

Im looking forward to it and the funny looks from fellow riders when they have no idea what it is.

P.S. I dont treat mine like a retro. They were meant to be ridden.

I do secretly enjoy the attention it brings - distracts people from my complete lack of skill and non existent fitness... ;)
How old are the kids you're going with??

The kids are nearly 10. They can ride though! And they've been before so not even newbies.

Should be good fun and hopefully not embarrassing.

Also get comments on the colour (candy red)... Just because I didn't go for matt bloody black when I got it painted.

Will be takening the FSR and looking for an FSR Elite in the hope it will turn up before we go. Have looked in to possible hire. To be honest I will be sticking to the blue and adventure to the reds. I want to enjoy myself more then pushing myself to hard.