Achievable weight loss


Gold Trader
I try to lurk around the 200lb mark but, recently, have chunked up to 215lb..

My diet's ok-ish.. the meals are reasonably healthy but I snack quite a lot and my sugar intake is high..
I rarely drink alcohol and never drink a glass of water (tea or coffee only, 2-3 sugars)

Currently walking about 10 miles per week (increasing week by week) at a fairly steady 4mph.. weather needs to be a little better before we get out on 2 wheels..

The immediate dietary plan is to cut right back on the snacks, reduce the sugars down to 1 per cup, replace a few of the cups of tea/coffee with water..

The first goal is back to the 200.. just wondering, without resorting to extremes (starvation, tapeworm ingestion, laxative abuse - that kinda thing), what would be a realistic time frame to lose 20lb??
unsure on a time frame
but i think you should try lots of smaller meals rather than a couple larger ones, speed up your metabolism

worked when my mrs was doing it

and when you say reasonably healthy - you have kids so is suspect you probably buy a fair bit of processed/frozen food?
if so try and replace as much as you can with fresh stuff
cyfa2809":2pu00bz8 said:
and when you say reasonably healthy - you have kids so is suspect you probably buy a fair bit of processed/frozen food?
if so try and replace as much as you can with fresh stuff

No frozen food, we don't have a freezer.. ;)

The kids eat tinned hot dogs, meat balls.. that kinda thing (and only once or twice a week) but I don't..
Only tinned stuff I eat is chili, bolognese and beans.. all our veg is fresh, we only eat chips (fresh cooked, not oven chips) 2 or 3 nights a week (pasta, rice or jacket spuds on other nights).
I bake my own pies and drain as much fat as poss off the mince that goes in them, adding fresh veg to the mince to stop it going dry...
I have the same problem and i'm nearly exactly the same weight. I've lost half a stone by doing 2 30 min runs twice a week and cutting out on all late night snacks.
I started training three times a week (kick boxing) and some weight came off but then I maintened at a steady level.

I cant explain the next bit but I changed nothing (in my diet or training) other than having a large protein drink on training days or at weekends when I was doing physical stuff and the weight went down again - more so than the first stage from taining only ? :shock:

I can only think that it moved my carb / protein balance, maybe a mild version of the atkins diet ? :?

old school cool":3kc34e2j said:
I have the same problem and i'm nearly exactly the same weight. I've lost half a stone by doing 2 30 min runs twice a week and cutting out on all late night snacks.

In what time frame?

WD Pro":3kc34e2j said:
I started training three times a week (kick boxing) and some weight came off but then I maintened at a steady level.

Should have mentioned.. I can't go running/jogging, do anything like kick-boxing, go down the gym etc.
The only exercise available, realistically, is walking (and boy do I suffer for it later), cycling (it remains to be seen how often I'll able to do that) and swimming (not while I'm carrying weight - far too self-conscious to be revealing this podgy frame to the unknowing public - they deserve better :LOL: )

Approaching mid 40's, I've found it easier (over the last 2 years) to drop weight, regardless of diet - I just need to get my head back into it..

Just wondering about what people's expectations were of how quickly the weight falls off..
A couple of years back I took the road bike out to the Alps - and wanted to lose some weight before I went.

I read an article about the diet Wiggins had been on - prior to finishing 4th in the TdF: and anti-inflammatory diet.

It's lots of chicken and fish - loadsa veg, nuts, fruit - reduce the spuds, bread, doughnuts.

I combined this with some other reading, that a high protein breakfast will keep you feeling fuller longer, and that eating more often keeps the metabolism high.

For breakfast I had a Maximuscle Diet Promax shake.
Mid morning I had nuts/fruit snack.
For Lunch, some soup at work and fruit.
Mid afternoon I had nuts/fruit snack.
Dinner was chicken/fish and loadsa veg.

And in the meantime I got out on the bike three times a week.

I started at 13st7lb - an when trying to lose weight before have not goy under 12st7lb. By the time I went out to the Alps, I was 11st12lb - I haven't been under 12st in about 20 years.

I didn't feel hungry - loadsa veg helped there. In fact I ate plenty - just anti-inflam.
The riding was brilliant - I was riding further and longer without the aches and pains that you usually get. No neck/arm pain - no lower back ache.

Just starting to lose the weight again now for this year's trip to the Alps..... :)
2lbs a week is a good steady target. You could try introducing some simple 'rules' each week. Get at least your 5 a day, drink 2l of water, eat a big healthy breakfast, cut out/limit sugar. Another thing is to moderate, don't ban your favourite foods or alcohol but reserve them for the weekend or a particular night. Once you've introduced these basic measures you could look at refining what you do.Small steps is the key, let the body adapt. This is what I do anyway, I've been on and of the bifta wagon for donks :)
Exercise wise I'd do whatever gets you out the door and keeps you interested, and as for swimming if you go to the pool there is all shapes and sizes. Look for an adults only night if it helps.
Not a huge guy, but I'm Ttying to loose a few kilo's as well. Having become a dad about a year and a half ago I have hardly been able to get any long rides done, and I've noticed on the scales....
What I'm trying to do now is train more often, but shorter trainings. Ride, run, core-stability. I do between 30 min and an hour a day. Seems to work for me.
Also, what Kaiser says. Try to limit the unhealthy stuff to the weekends.