This is James my friends broken finger, did it doing the famous secret mountain bike trail called mmmbop, going over the bars onto rocks, oooooch


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Yes lol, its worse i think when his hand was in the glove as you could not see it and wondered if his finger would fall off when the glove was removed hehehehe
When I stuffed my motorbike they cut my leather jacket off because they felt my arm might come off if they tried to remove it without cutting (I was mortified. . . . and texting friends. . . at the time ;) )

But they pulled my boot of and mangled my ankle (well, worse than it already was :LOL: )
It is fair to say there wasnt much in the way of debilitating lasting damage from my off. I have a funny shaped left collar bone a scar on my back and 15 months on my left side is still slightly swollen.

To be honest I had a graphicly nasty accident 3 weeks ago, slipped off the pedal with my right foot, outer chain ring managed to embed into the back of my leg. I now have 10 seperate puncture wounds going about 6 inches from my heel upwards.

It was dark & late so I made a makeshift bandage from an innertube and tried to ride home, mostly 1 footed as my right foot seemed to be getting heavier.

Made it home and was able to inspect the damage for the first time, I have never seen so much of my own blood! cleaned it off looked up, looked down and there was blood all over the floor much blood!

Was virtually unable to walk in the morning, didnt fully stop bleeding for 3 days, and has taken me 3 weeks to lose the limp, still cant run on it though...but at least I could ride on it after 2 days :)

Its sort of cool though as it now looks like I have a zipper on the back of my leg.
JeRkY":6b32nahq said:
Its sort of cool though as it now looks like I have a zipper on the back of my leg.

I love the philosophical outlook of the severely mutilated :LOL:

My cousin's (ish) little girl riding a little kids trike thing down a hill

18 months off walking
Just managed to get my brother to go through 5 million pictures he has on his pc to find this 1 of his broken wrist quit a long time ago when he fell off his Falcon Banana mountain bike, hospital told him this one was a nasty break and he still cant fully bend it


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