A small vintage MTB poll in Finland


Cannondale Fan
Just for curiosity, I did a small FB poll in our Finnish Vintage MTB fb group about vintage MTB brands (includes XC bikes to 2000, freeride/DH bikes to 2004, -ish...) . What do you have in your staple, one vote per brand only (even ih you have several of same brand). Got 454 votes and 92 brands. Two of our homeland brands (Tunturi and Helkama) rose quite high, but otherwise quite expected results. Kuwahara was also "half Finnish" at our market in the late 90's. What was also interesting, bit sad, no Pace, Proflex, Ritchey or DeKerf. But still quite surprising we have that many brands in a quite a small MTB country. Would be fun to see similar statistics from elsewhere too :)

Remarkable that so many brands were available. Were all of them originally sold in Finland, or were some privately imported?