A rant: sick to death of dog poo bags and coffee cups

Well … a ride in Stanmer Woods (Grom-focussed singletrack thrashing and jumping excursion) resulted in more confirmation of 'group think' regarding where you put your full dog poo bags - at the bottom of any tree where paths cross, apparently. Lovely. Not in the dog poo bins. Not taken home...nope...tossed on piles underneath ancient trees. At least we know where it is. Flicking poo can leave it half way up bushes, so children who rightly are dodging in and out of the undergrowth have half a chance of getting it all over them. Nasty.
We went to Costa-Skeggness yesterday, taking our grandkids with us, first time we'd been out in the car in over a year, the amount of dog shit just left on the kerbs & along the seafront and down the newly laid road from the clock tower was shocking, dog owners just leaving their dog shit, it was everywhere, the worst was to come as the missus decided to go on the Park to have a picnic with our three young grandkids, we went and fetched the sarnies & stuff but my missus slipped/slid on the grass and it happened, there was a big pile of SHIT, She hadn't noticed it because she was holding onto two of the grandkids, the shit went all over one of her trainers and are them breathable type, so the front of her trainer allowed shit to go through the netting material and actually went onto her toes, she nearly puked up, she had to go to the public toilets and wash her trainer & foot in the sink, she said the smell was aweful and it totally put us off having a picnic.

Looking around the grass on the park, there was dog shit wherever you looked and to think there was already people sat on blankets eating food and kids running about, if you ask me dogs should be BANNED off that park.

That's an awful experience. Really awful. And totally unnecessary. I know it's work for you but I would email the local council and include a link to this thread on here....they have by-laws which they really should enforce. Really bad that a nice day out was spoiled.
That's an awful experience. Really awful. And totally unnecessary. I know it's work for you but I would email the local council and include a link to this thread on here....they have by-laws which they really should enforce. Really bad that a nice day out was spoiled.
Where I live I report dog shit left on the kerbs daily to our local council, even having actual CCTV of one bloke allowing his dog to shit outside our driveway and leave it, we forwarded this footage to the council and they said dog wardens will come out and also put up notices, a council van did come out and clear up the dog shit, but never did see any signs go up, nor did i see any strangers walking up or down our street, all the council seems to do is clear up the dog mess and don't do anything else.

This old but TRUE story will defo' make you laugh :LOL: :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Back in the early 1980's someone was always allowing a dog to shit right outside our small gate, this happened every day and went on for months with me mam always having to clear it up, one day she'd had enough as the postman trod in it and walked it up to our back door, so got up very early in the morning, be about 4am, no shit outside the gate, so she waited and waited, then she saw a bloke with a big dog and it was him and allowed the dog to shit in the same place, my mam ran out and confronted him, with him becoming very abusive back to my mam, telling her he'll let his dog shit wherever.

Tosser dog owner walked off, but that wasn't the end of it, my mam watched and followed that man at a good distance, right to his very house, noting the door number, she came back and she said to all our family that whenever we need to go to the toilet for a poo, you'll notice a black bucket with some wood on top of it, mam said sit above a bucket and poo in that, replacing the wood cover to keep the smell in, this went on for a week and the smell in our bathroom wasn't good, four in the family all shitting in a black bucket!!

Also the dog shitting carried on outside our house, my mam also picking up that shit and putting that in a bucket at the side of the wall, after a week my mam got the two buckets of shit, boiled the kettle, pouring the boiling water over the poo and mixing it up, she walked to that house of the dog owner and banged heavily on his door, me mam stood back, waiting with the buckets, he answers the door and me mam then throws the shit at the bloke and she shouts....''HERE HAVE YOUR DOG SHIT BACK''' with the shit going inside his doorway and on him with the first bucket, he quickly slams the door, the next bucket went up on his front window......My mam then shouts again...''LET YOUR DOG SHIT OUTSIDE OUR GATE AGAIN AND I'LL DO IT ALL AGAIN''

Bloke shouts out he's calling the Police, my mam shouting back...''WELL BLOODY CALL THEM''

We waited for the Police to arrive but they never did, one witness who saw to incident said she's sick & tired of allowing his dog to shit everywhere and he never ever cleaned it up......That bloke never did let his dog shit outside our gate again.
Lot's more coffee cup waste since not being able to sit in and most places refusing re-usable cups
I think in future centuries, allowing dogs to crap in public spaces - regardless of whether the owner picks it up - will be cited as evidence of how primitive and backward our times were. These are intelligent animals capable of being trained not to piss and crap indoors - simply train them to use a litter tray or an outdoor spot in your own garden. Our attitudes in this area have not moved on from medieval times.

We're in a global pandemic as a result of an animal originated disease and poor biosafety protocol adherence and yet everyday, people quite happily allow other animals' crap contaminate our public places. Imagine if the next pandemic was spread through dog crap. We'd be in the shit.

One of reasons I don't have a dog is that I'm not prepared to deal with another creature's crap on a regular basis. If you aren't either, don't have a dog.
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Must admit that when the law changed I was amazed to see so many people picking it up.Didn't take long for the bags to start building up though.From what I understand,bagging it just creates a toxoplasmosis time bomb,increasing the lifespan of all the nasty bacteria.
Certainly not advocating going back to the old ways but don't really think the situation has improved any.It's disgusting😤.But sadly one of those things that'll never be policed in any way😞.
I just wanted to footnote this with a positive story.

I visited Sherwood Pines a couple of days ago for the first time. Amongst other things, it has facilities for walking, dog walking, mtb and others. Despite seeing dog walkers using the MTB trails (not sure they should be?), I only saw one single poo bag the entire day and not much in the way of litter either, proof that at least some people respect the places they visit.

Perhaps its the £8 parking charge putting off the riff raff, but in any case, it's a beautiful place, if not all that challenging for MTB riding although worth a visit if you do the red and blue back to back. Blue is nice for gravel bikes.
Yes it's really bad re disease - toxoplasmosis (cats) and toxocara canis (dogs) both can be extremely serious - and it's really awful we have to be the ones avoiding it....when owners should be regularly worming (I know many seemingly responsible people who don't) and should be clearing up the mess in the first place. The eggs become mature after a few weeks and after drying out - and yes, putting it all in a black bag and leaving it out in the sun to fester is an excellent approach to incubation. But I live in hope....drink driving was made socially unaccepa

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