A rant: sick to death of dog poo bags and coffee cups

I'm unsure of the parked bit, as it is defined as Safely Parked, which I think means engine off, handbrake on sort of thing.

Did they get bonus points for parking on the yellow zigzag during enforced hours and preferably also obstructing the pavement.?
There used to be several doggy bag Xmas tree's near us, after numerous complaints the council did something, they cleaned off the tree and also went around spraying dog shit in bright orange paint, then put signage up about the massive amount of dog shit and the orange paint was to ''SHOW'' people just how much shit was about, dog walkers to either take the bagged shit home or 'flick the shit' into the deep under-growth, also official chaps walked around with their dogs, in one day they caught over 20 dog walkers leaving dog shit and gave them two options....Big on the spot fine or clean it up, there was a fair few fines handed out that day, officials walked around for several weeks, then put up further signage that unmarked council wardens are on patrol issuing on the spot fines. This worked and now the area is clean.
Regret not. But a while ago I did get an earful from a Chelsea 4x4-driving grandparent who stopped on the zig zags to remain seated and let their grandchild climb out, when I said that it was not OK - big shout 'F...off I am in a hurry and who are you etc etc etc...' . Er…not OK. I always think about taking a photo too late....I guess that it's defensiveness and even raising it may be enough to deter them from doing it another time.

PS any 4X4 in the village covered in filth (like mine) is OK, Any one which isn't is not....OUTSIDER! OUTSIDER!!!
Bag up the polluting waste, send it back to the companies responsible for it. Obviously, trickier to identify the dog food manufacturers, but quite simple with other branded waste.
But it's the consumer or irresponsible dog owners littering / dumping their waste.
But it's the consumer or irresponsible dog owners littering / dumping their waste.

This is true, but the nature of the waste is even more serious and it is directly related to the need for the corporations to keep their products fresh to maximise their profits. In other words, much of it isn't biodegradable in any form.

But then I guess it could be argued it's ALL driven by consumer demand.

No easy solution.
There used to be several doggy bag Xmas tree's near us, after numerous complaints the council did something, they cleaned off the tree and also went around spraying dog shit in bright orange paint, then put signage up about the massive amount of dog shit and the orange paint was to ''SHOW'' people just how much shit was about, dog walkers to either take the bagged shit home or 'flick the shit' into the deep under-growth, also official chaps walked around with their dogs, in one day they caught over 20 dog walkers leaving dog shit and gave them two options....Big on the spot fine or clean it up, there was a fair few fines handed out that day, officials walked around for several weeks, then put up further signage that unmarked council wardens are on patrol issuing on the spot fines. This worked and now the area is clean.

They should try spraying the paint in the face of the people who let their dogs crap everywhere. Then everyone would be able to point out the shitty oompaloompa and laugh. I have literally zero respect for such people, so wouldn't care less.

"Flick the shit" is apparently now preferable to the bags. Some report or other concluded that. It's all very well and good, but not ideal if you happen to walk in the grass, or, you have a dog yourself that likes to hunt around in the undergrowth. It's just a typical conclusion of yet another authority with no actual balls to do anything.

Basically, it needs to be picked up and taken home, eaten for dinner, or whatever else the owners want to do with it, with enormous (5 figure) fines for people who don't. Considering all the diseases, some very serious, that dog poo can transmit, I don't see the difference between having a Covid party and letting your dog poop in places where other people may be expected to come into contact with it.

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