A little help, if you can please (fundraising)

Andy B

Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
98+ BoTM Winner
It’s been a while since I frequented this wonderful forum, let alone ride a bike!

I hope you are all getting out having fun and building amazing bikes

I’m writing this post to ask for a little help, if you are able to that is, there is no obligation to do so

The short of it is that my 11 year old stepson was diagnosed with leukaemia on 28/2/23

He is undergoing chemotherapy and is responding well

As we cannot travel far away from his treatment centre we decided to bring the holidays to him

We actually craned a caravan into the back garden so he can have holidays at home

The craning of the caravan was broadcast on BBC Look North a little while ago! There was an online article about it too, I’m not sure if that’s still there though

We have set up a go fund me to get Reuben the things he needs for his caravan to make it a safe space with the things he needs

If you can afford to give a little it would be greatly appreciated as his mum quit her career to care full time for him and her only income is state benefits, if you could share the link that would also be appreciated

there is no obligation to donate, or share this link

Thank you for reading my rather long post

Many years ago my nephew was diagnosed with Leukaemia aged two. I was totally unprepared for the power of my reaction -- I would have done anything to help make him better, from donating bone marrow to selling my home. He was in the Sick Kids' hospital in Edinburgh and went through four blocks of chemo. It was a gruelling time for the family -- his mum (my sister) stayed with him in his room all day, and her father would sleep there at night before going off to work. The whole time my nephew was the most brave and positive of all of us. Anyway, he's now 22, a strapping lad, and has never had a recurrence.

All this just to say, @Andy B, I'm glad he's responding well to the chemo -- wishing him all the very best and a great future. And a lovely caravan holiday!