A Happy Ending. Heartfelt thanks Please read.

All under control. Thanks though.

Anybody help out with the AF issue?

I ride with a monitor/strap now with prescribed limit of 140ish bpm. Not sure if this would be a good indicator/monitor for AF given the nature of it.

I do a couple of BHF rides a year, so a good cause.

Doing the Oxford to Cambridge in September if I can source some new knees :cool:
If you have a look on singletrackworld for a user called "ton", you should be able to find some significant threads he's started about his ongoing/long term af issues.

Think it's fixed now.
scary to think this is a [likely] result of your actions as a young'un. these things arent ever in the forefront of a teenagers mind....
glad to see you're rehabilitating and that the bike is still playing its part :)

makes you think how finely tuned an instrument the body is and that abusing it just throws in a whole lottery of potential catastrophies that lurk for years, then all of a sudden...
A year!

Unbelievable how quickly time passes. Good to see you are still kicking about with many more years left in you.

Oldaircool":1ulaiwc0 said:
Hi all, sorry I've come late to this. Incredible stories, mostly with happy endings. Heartwarming. If I may now be a little selfish.........think I've got Atrial Fibrilation. Been complaining of an irregular heartbeat for years, Docs never caught it and they said if I have a problem then I wouldn't be able to cycle as much as I could. Anyway, after a couple of long haul trips with work, I was exhausted and had a major 'episode'........long story short I had a high speed trip to my bathroom floor and my first ever ride in an ambulance. The docs have now recorded this AF. It comes and goes and TBH I feel fine now, my question is, is there anyone on here that has AF? How does it affect your riding?

A friend of mine had a similar experience to you a few months back. Had a pacemaker fitted in his leg and was banned from driving for 6 mths. He rides his new bike everywhere now and is as happy as ever. It's obviously a pita having his wife drive him about the rest of the time. I suffer from occasional AF myself. Had it really bad when I started using Regaine :shock: Stopped and now use natural products, obviously not as effective but no point having more hair in a cemetary.
Another year has passed. Still here. Riding, being careful, always using a monitor, gaining weight, not eating as healthily as i should.

But still here. let this be a lesson/warning/reminder to you all.

Thanks THM

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