A French Classic : 1977 RH 753 - Christmas pics p5


first duty : clean the wheels :roll:

I had to rub so hard I got blisters :shock:

But I discovered Robergel 3 Etoiles under the dirt !

From Vintagebicycle

http://vintagebicycle.wordpress.com/201 ... es-spokes/

"Robergel were located in Perruel, on the river Eure, not far from Rouen. They made the nicest and best quality spokes that I have ever seen…. Trois Étoiles, or three stars. The quality of these extra light stainless items is superb. The transition from thinner gauge to thicker is very smooth, where they are butted at both ends. It’s no wonder that Herse and Singer both used their ‘rayons’ as far back as the 1940′s. On the head you will find either a three pointed ‘star’ or an ‘E’. The packaging is beautiful too, being a triangular carton on which they are claimed to be ‘pratiquement incassable’ – practically unbreakable – and ‘absolument inrouillables’ – completely rustless. Even the nipples were contained in a little triangular box. I remember the late Neville March, the collector of wonderful French bicycles of the ‘Golden Age’, telling me that he had never broken a Trois Étoiles spoke during the disassembly of numerous wheels."

And really the maxi cars are buttery as hell 8)

But I must really find a polishing motorized bench to do an even better job :idea: :lol:


So possibly the choice of a informed professionnel rather than putting the most expensive stuff on his frame - not everything the best is french :wink: :lol:

Yeah but Mafacs are the only happy looking centre-pull. All the others are aesthetically challenged- although most of them are probably a bit lighter than Mafacs, being without that extra refinement that allows you to change the angle of the brake-blocks.

Braze-on centre-pulls... my favourite brakes... theoretically. Never had the opportunity to find out. They were rare approaching non-existent in the UK, even back when you could buy centre-pulls.

Crikey - you don't see many of these... Congratulations on finding it, look forward to seeing it cleaned up.
Re: A French Classic : 1977 RH 753

I like this a lot. Keeping it original as possible with a good clean up and service will make stunning bike.
Re: A French Classic : 1977 RH 753

legrandefromage":3opjpoxt said:
That is so different to the usual 'ooh look, a Raleigh'. The little technical details are simply stunning.

Indeed. Not seen mudguard stay fittings like that before, but they are extremely neat (and possibly more rattle-proof than some solutions?).


i find plain silver bikes really appealing .that different stem works so well[old shool yet industrial brilliant] probably because of the colour shade match and perhaps it could span many decades.crank is fine! 753 WOW!
this bike proves that one does not need anniversary nos groupsets or gold plated snaz for a
bicycle to be full of character.congratulations!
Re: A French Classic : 1977 RH 753

The stem looks like a bespoke Rene Herse.
The side on picture doesn't reveal the full story.
Picture from the internet of a Herse stem.
Is it that style?


  • HerseStem.webp
    26.7 KB · Views: 782
Re: A French Classic : 1977 RH 753

crickey i thought i was a bit of a stem nut.. rene herse..i know nothing.
im not keen on that one. looks too A head or mountain bike
and that knob on top looks like its been nicked off something else and they said;
oi' where can we stick this then ?'
back to the bike in topic. if they had done a concealed clamp i would of gone up the shop
and bought a bottle of red !

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