99 Sunn Cross Un

That was speedy and resourceful! I'll take a measure of the steerer tube and start having a proper think about some replacements.

Well, the Crosss has arrived and it soon became apparent that the seat post is seized in the frame. I'm such a mug, this isn't the first time I've bought a bike described as 'in very good condition', only to find a seized seatpost or stem or something that has to be destroyed in order to rescue the situation. I've removed several seized posts over the years using the gently does it hacksaw blade method but I really don't want to go through the process again, especially as the seat post is going to extend a long way down in to the seat tube. Has anyone had success with a non-destructive technique for removing seat posts?

Hi Gordon

I'd suggest taking it to a framebuilder. I tried the hacksaw trick and ruined a frame.
Forks for it are good BTW! :cool:


Hi Mike, frame builders usually get a torch on it and wreck the paint. I've never damaged a frame using the hack saw trick, I just can't face the agro! Still hoping some magic oil might release it just enough. So you got those Obsys sorted?

Yes I did. Tried them out today to make sure and they're fine mate ;)


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