97 Black Zaskar: Anodised or powder-coated (German content)


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
I've had a 1997 black GT Zaskar for a while now, and I was always under the impression that it was anodised.
However according to the German language GT catalogue which I found on this forum, the frame was available in I quote, "Ball-burnished, Schwarz pulverbeschichtet and Frost rot eloxiert".
Now my German isn't great, but i do know that 'Schwarz' is black, but... I reckon that 'pulverbeschichtet' translates as powder-coating.
So perhaps I've just answered my own question, but could any German speakers confirm this for me please?

If my frame is indeed powder-coated then I've been living a lie for the past few years, mistaken in the belief that it was a very nice anodised finish.

I do intend to strip the coating off though as it's looking very tired.
And so my final question is; what's the best way to strip off powder-coating?
Re: 97 Black Zaskar: Anodised or powder-coated (German conte

drystonepaul":19tqdhhd said:
I've had a 1997 black GT Zaskar for a while now, and I was always under the impression that it was anodised.
However according to the German language GT catalogue which I found on this forum, the frame was available in I quote, "Ball-burnished, Schwarz pulverbeschichtet and Frost rot eloxiert".
Now my German isn't great, but i do know that 'Schwarz' is black, but... I reckon that 'pulverbeschichtet' translates as powder-coating.
So perhaps I've just answered my own question, but could any German speakers confirm this for me please?
confirmed. 'pulverbeschichtet' translates to powder-coated.
Thanks for the confirmed translation IM.

Now I'm sure I've seen a thread or two about removing powder-coating and plenty about polishing aluminium.
But who has the best advice and should I? :

a) Strip it and polish to an impossibly shiney finish. (because there's never enough shiney Zaskars)
b) Strip it and get it re-coated in black along with nice new decals.
c) Live with the patina to prove it gets ridden (which it has and will again once it's built up again)

Any words of wisdom and/or sage advice out there?
I know this is an old thread but hopefully someone else can use the information as it is fairly general. I also have one of these frames and am working on a restoration. Several years ago I stripped off the original paint, I just used paint remover to take it off, that went pretty easy. I couldn't tell you for sure if it is painted or powdercoated but the paint came off easy. In 1999 I ordered replacement decal kits for this frame direct from GT as I knew I would keep this frame for a long time. I have two kits, one of which I have found, the other is still missing.