96 GT Karakoram Chain suck marks - is there a reasonable fix?

Good point on model enamel. I forgot that I'd used that to touch up.a tequila sunrise korakoram. Worked out quite nicely. An Audi yellow is also a good match for the Judy yellow.

The lx chainset was an odd one, xt too. The integrated ring/spider is now the norm for 1x, but on these 3x, a pita to find a replacement these days, though it is possible. You can also get just a spider so you can use normal 104bcd rings if you can find one and want to keep the chainset. I have seen examples where the ring has been cut off and used as a spider for 2x or 1x.
What about treating the rust with converter like kurust or vactan then slapping an appropriately sized chainstay protector over it all?
Well, when your paint dissolves the base coat… you get interesting IMG_3308.jpeg results … at least it does not look too bright
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The area that's marked seems to have a nice, natural section that's flat. I'd sand it a bit, build up some primer to help creat a flat surface (unless you want to flat it first), then I'd mask an area just larger than the flat bit. Spray in as close a colour as you can find, fine sand the over spray on the stay so it's flat and blended in. You may not notice the difference in colour much at all. I'd perhaps clear cost the whole stay. Fit chainset, stand back and see if you can notice much.
You were right. With the chainring on it does not look too bad. It will not be my most tidy bike, but compared to where we started… IMG_3381.webp