Terrago '94
Retro Newbie
Dear gents and ladies,
Thanks for adding me to the forum. My name is John. I have a 1994(ish) Giant Terrago which I used a lot back in my youth and which I am keen on restoring.
The bike is currently 'running' but has had no heavy maintenance in it's life (I've kept the drive train oiled at least) and the paint is faded and chipped and there are rust patches on the handlebars, seat post, chain stay and elsewhere.
I'd be interested to hear your comments on my plan, below, on how to carry out the restoration
- Remove all components from frame. Bottom bracket and steering post too (?)
- Strip paint from frame using paint stripper. Key the surface metal with fine sandpaper
- After soap/water wash spray frame ('spray bike?)first prep a practice tube eg from old bike in order to test technique. Warm
cans in warm water first.
- primer coat (2?)then topcoat(1 or 2?). Lacquer coat(s)? Consider "spray.bike" cans
- Soak working metal parts in bath of rust remover. Eg handlebar, brakes arms, front chain-set, Cranks/pedals(consider
replacing), front and rear derailleurs, cassette
- consider replacing Bottom Bracket (Shimano offering has tool adapter with it)
- consider replacing Headset
- consider replacing gear/brake cables if not in good condition
- check chain for play, consider new one
- Hoping to be able to reuse existing group set if not too bad condition to keep costs down(?)
- Attempt(!) to balance the wheels (which have wobbles) using spoke key (never tried this
- V Brakes;
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/shi ... -prod70102
- seatpost https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/ded ... prod156176
- saddle
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/sad ... t=pricelow
- Bashguard (big ring protector)
-seat clamps Quick Release
- Headset
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/wel ... prod183394
- Gear cable replacement set
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/shi ... -prod71582
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/cla ... prod145356
-Others? Saddle is in ok condition- I have a big one with soft gel (I found regular saddle too painful as I haven't cycled in 15 years) but it looks pretty naff! Any other options which are soft but maybe a bit sleeker?
Rust remover
Paint stripper
Bike stand
Spray primer, paint and lacquer
Chain stretch tool
Chain removal tool
Bottom bracket removal adapter (offered with Shimano BB)
Headset removal tool- make one with long bolt, washers and nut.
Allen key set
spoke key
Tyre levers
Bike greases
Decals ("GIANT)
If there are any good guides out there that I've missed please let me know
Sorry for the long post! Looking forward to your kind suggestions. I have never attempted a bike restoration before so I'm all ears, gents!
Kind regards,
Terrago '94
Limerick, Ireland/ Luton, Beds.
Thanks for adding me to the forum. My name is John. I have a 1994(ish) Giant Terrago which I used a lot back in my youth and which I am keen on restoring.
The bike is currently 'running' but has had no heavy maintenance in it's life (I've kept the drive train oiled at least) and the paint is faded and chipped and there are rust patches on the handlebars, seat post, chain stay and elsewhere.
I'd be interested to hear your comments on my plan, below, on how to carry out the restoration

- Remove all components from frame. Bottom bracket and steering post too (?)
- Strip paint from frame using paint stripper. Key the surface metal with fine sandpaper
- After soap/water wash spray frame ('spray bike?)first prep a practice tube eg from old bike in order to test technique. Warm
cans in warm water first.
- primer coat (2?)then topcoat(1 or 2?). Lacquer coat(s)? Consider "spray.bike" cans
- Soak working metal parts in bath of rust remover. Eg handlebar, brakes arms, front chain-set, Cranks/pedals(consider
replacing), front and rear derailleurs, cassette
- consider replacing Bottom Bracket (Shimano offering has tool adapter with it)
- consider replacing Headset
- consider replacing gear/brake cables if not in good condition
- check chain for play, consider new one
- Hoping to be able to reuse existing group set if not too bad condition to keep costs down(?)
- Attempt(!) to balance the wheels (which have wobbles) using spoke key (never tried this

- V Brakes;
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/shi ... -prod70102
- seatpost https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/ded ... prod156176
- saddle
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/sad ... t=pricelow
- Bashguard (big ring protector)
-seat clamps Quick Release
- Headset
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/wel ... prod183394
- Gear cable replacement set
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/shi ... -prod71582
https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/cla ... prod145356
-Others? Saddle is in ok condition- I have a big one with soft gel (I found regular saddle too painful as I haven't cycled in 15 years) but it looks pretty naff! Any other options which are soft but maybe a bit sleeker?
Rust remover
Paint stripper
Bike stand
Spray primer, paint and lacquer
Chain stretch tool
Chain removal tool
Bottom bracket removal adapter (offered with Shimano BB)
Headset removal tool- make one with long bolt, washers and nut.
Allen key set
spoke key
Tyre levers
Bike greases
Decals ("GIANT)
If there are any good guides out there that I've missed please let me know

Kind regards,
Terrago '94
Limerick, Ireland/ Luton, Beds.