95 Explosif teen dream

V brake set up looks good! Used mine in a similar way for a few months. After some grubbier and wetter rides, the cable started to feel grabbier and the brake was less effective. I've now decided to run a full length of cable from lever to brakes, which feels a million times better. Not the prettiest, but having a working back brake feels better!
V brake set up looks good! Used mine in a similar way for a few months. After some grubbier and wetter rides, the cable started to feel grabbier and the brake was less effective. I've now decided to run a full length of cable from lever to brakes, which feels a million times better. Not the prettiest, but having a working back brake feels better!
Thank you! I did toy with a full length liner, but the exposed inner and donuts style won me over, plus the instructions had it this way. It will probably be shielded from the worst weather as have modern machinery for that so hopefully this works out.

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