95 Explosif teen dream

I have a Zero dog collar on my Kilauea that has a cable stop built in for V-brake use, I'm only ever likely to use canti's on that so could swap it with yours if you want? PM me if you're interested, no worries if not. :)
I have a Zero dog collar on my Kilauea that has a cable stop built in for V-brake use, I'm only ever likely to use canti's on that so could swap it with yours if you want? PM me if you're interested, no worries if not. :)

Is that one of those that clamp around the top tube? Not sure it would work as the tubing is ovalised on this one, and I would like to keep the original if I can make it work as it looks nice matching the seat collar, I’ve seen a couple of solutions on here to ponder. Thanks for the offer though! 👍
It clamps round the seat tube. Those top tube ones don't look pretty! _20220806_100514.JPG
I can see why you'd want to keep it original though 😁 I've seen people turn them 90° and use a derailleur barrel adjuster, seems like a good hack.
Anyhow, as I said before looking forward to the build, frame's looking great. 👍
Mini update, shiny Black Friday hope headset now on, although spacers and various other parts needed get fit right and then get steerer tube cut to size.

Dry run with intended Thomson silver stem (older style with wedge to clamp on) and two diffferent options of bars, NOS Ritchey force light or new USE carbon - despite being modern I’m actually quite liking the USE and the logos match the fork colours 😁 018989C7-08D9-48DC-B95E-38CB13BE65B5.jpeg 4223B6C3-584D-4CB5-8267-9C2BF0047021.jpeg
This is looking lovely, the paint looks amazing and those forks were meant to be. Nice component choice too, I’m looking forward to seeing it develop.
My inner 17 year old keeps making choices for my builds too lol, I find it really satisfying getting parts now that were in the magazines back in the day and upgrading these 90’s bikes how you would have done if you could have afforded it back then.
Inner tubes and skewers obtained, next task is trimming the steerer tube so key bits on to test for sizing. Seat is modern but will do for now, I like flat pedals so they are staying. Number of spacers is a balance of less for style more for comfort, although think I’ll be swapping for an inline seatpost eventually which will help.
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