Hi folks ,
Just wanted to share with you the beginnings of my newest project , a Bontrager Privateer . Believed to be a '95 model from Jonnyboy666 from whom I bought it , I couldn't resist it with it's new paint . Even in battleship grey , HMS Bonty looks cool , and I've got a picture in my head of how I want her to look . Aren't all battleships female ?
She is not going to have expensive parts hanging from her , just a ( hopefully ) simple , elegant workhorse that I'll be having fun on for many an hour .
Just the one photo for now , of how I got it , sorry , her !
Anyway , must go now . Seeking bits and bobs . Will update as things arrive .
Hope you have a good weekend , one and all .
Just wanted to share with you the beginnings of my newest project , a Bontrager Privateer . Believed to be a '95 model from Jonnyboy666 from whom I bought it , I couldn't resist it with it's new paint . Even in battleship grey , HMS Bonty looks cool , and I've got a picture in my head of how I want her to look . Aren't all battleships female ?
She is not going to have expensive parts hanging from her , just a ( hopefully ) simple , elegant workhorse that I'll be having fun on for many an hour .
Just the one photo for now , of how I got it , sorry , her !
Anyway , must go now . Seeking bits and bobs . Will update as things arrive .
Hope you have a good weekend , one and all .