This summer I saw a little bit damaged RM Blizzard from 1996 on full M910, Race Face crank and Ringle Parts (full original). I decided to wait for an owner... 3 days later i had this RM... It was really nice, have no stickers, Filip got it 12year ago from his uncle who live in Berlin... RM was standing on the attic and this sping Filip decided to use it as a citybike, that's why Blizzard was dilapidated, I've made a big service and RM revived... Ive made him approx. 500km...but... it was apparently too small (only 18inch)... it
When I was going to holiday I had to sell it (money)... Now left me only RD, Cassette and RF crank (No exactly because i've give it to my brother but it left in family )...
Today I know that it was a mistake to split up this bike and sell it... I really like all RM's... Maybe I will rebuy it from my friend and in the future...
Sorry for my long introduction... Your RM is great! I'm a big fan of Ti parts and my dream is a full titanium bike.
Do you use it normally or is it a "standing museum exhibit"?