I thus asked @gil_m to create '92 repro decals using the dimensions I've recorded before and with a particular character font, as the one Gil had on files for the "SAN ANDREAS" text below the Mountain Cycle logo didn't matched enough the original one.
Well, I had to buy Gil a second set in fact (without the clear base, this time) as I was dumb enough damaging the first one while removing some glue residual with acetone. This and the dishwasher fiasco .
In the end, I chose not to apply the "TEAM ELITE" decals as there was no evidence of such prior decals on my subframe. Plus I didn't found that much pictures of bikes with these decals applied, besides the one in the '92 ad and a couple late '92 models with different graphics (red/black color) and Suspenders System 3-style fork crown. I may change my mind one day.
Well, I had to buy Gil a second set in fact (without the clear base, this time) as I was dumb enough damaging the first one while removing some glue residual with acetone. This and the dishwasher fiasco .
In the end, I chose not to apply the "TEAM ELITE" decals as there was no evidence of such prior decals on my subframe. Plus I didn't found that much pictures of bikes with these decals applied, besides the one in the '92 ad and a couple late '92 models with different graphics (red/black color) and Suspenders System 3-style fork crown. I may change my mind one day.