In the road pages there would be a lot more ohh's and Ahh's as the SBDU bikes are sought after and obviously quite rare. Over here though they aren't so trendy so don't have the following that the (mostly) American brands have. That said there are a few over here (me included) that do appreciate them and you can get a few pages of action in a Raleigh thread (think my 531 Team Rep runs to 6 or 7 pages now). There are some great Raleighs on here, Mine (although I am biased), GM's, Colemans and MADB's Avanti's, Dynacols box fresh Appalachian and a couple of good condition Chinooks which all built at the Lightweight unit in Nottingham follow on the spiritual path set by this which is like the granddad of them all.
I suggest a Team Banana colour scheme which was available when it was new.