8 cyclists killed after a car hit them :(

ernie":2vwex6da said:
retrowagen1234":2vwex6da said:
There is good and bad in all, yes i have been at a traffic lights and cyclist have gone through on red, i just look over my shoulder at the driver behind me raise my hands and shake my head :roll: :roll: ..damage limitation.

sad..... but going to the RLJ

what exactly is wrong with going thorugh a red light when there is no traffic coming?

.... don't reply because it is the law - if you use your eyes and brain, then it is no different to going across a road junction after making sure there is no traffic coming; a variant of this I believe is practised in the USA where you can turn right on a red if the road is clear.

Seems kinda pointless sitting in front of a red light waiting for it to change when the road is devoid of traffic.
[Rant_Mode = ON]
How much fuel is wasted and pollution caused by cars being stopped by red lights when once we used to be able to make a decision on whether it's safe to proceed.
Nanny state etc etc...

Ironic that a government minister is flying back from a climate change conference in Mexico to vote on the student tuition fee debate - how green is that!
[Rant_Mode = OFF]
Phew - feel better for that!
i must say its a jungle out there on the road, when i did a lot of commuting via road i became one of those defensive even aggressive type cyclists, weaving in and out going on red, taking centre of the road at junctions, lights etc., chasing after feckers who nearly killed me, bangin on car doors. swearing But i do think you have too, the amount of drivers at islands that just come from the left looking at you full in the eye as they pull out thinking ahh well, if you hit me you might scratch my car a bit, or dont think you belong on the road, or that you are a nuisance or hinderance beggars belief.

last summer i had a stoned young twat nearly hit me with my 3 year old on the bike at an island, only stopped because i let out this gutteral hell howl which made him slam on the brakes, if i could have put my bike down i would have killed him.

My wifes cousin, lifelong cyclist, cyclo cross roady olympic hopeful fella, rides 100s of miles of roads a month, or did until he was hit at an island

every time i go out on road, which these days is not often something will happen where it occurs to me, feck i could have been killed there, and it makes me really angry, there is no protection from the law either.

if you get hit by a car you gonna get hurt badly, your bike is gonna be wrecked and they gonna come out with oh i didnt see him shite, when they did see you, they just saw the need for someone to give way as your problem despite you having right of way .

when i cycle to work now i ride 12 miles of canal instead of the 7 of road i could take, and much prefer it

ahh well rant over.

my thoughts are with the families
I was thinking when I saw those traffic hump rucksack covers sort of understanding in a way what the intention is with them, but felt that a motorist seeing that would just snigger. What I thought would be better perhaps, is something one can wear on the back that says endangered species, as most people tend to notice when endangered species is seen, as think cuddly animals not humans.

But such a thing I think is needed to make motor pilots aware cyclists squash like gnats on a windscreen when you hit them.

As it is, uncool or not, I do all the dayglo stuff when out on the road, give 'em no excuse to say sorry didn't see you mate.

Perhaps a new traffic offence could be considered, driving with the intention to endanger life and treat it as murder. That on the act that f a person is breaking the laws which are set up for the safety of everyone, then they are driving with disregard to safety, which amounts to endangering life.
retrowagen1234":1uarwwgm said:
Cyclists have no right at all to be slowing traffic chatting to eachother.

Really ? :? I can understand that side by side on a main road maybe you might have a point.... but generally i think they have every right to chat to each other and slow traffic a little bit untill the car can overtake.. I live in Cornwall and get slowed up by holiday makers (emmetts) all the time .. it pisses me off but i dont say they have no right to drive around a bit slower than i normally do... slowing me up on my way home from work.

back on topic.... very sad :cry:
Yeah, I think riding two abreast is a bit naughty, and I thought there was something in the highway code about that, cyclists must ride single file.

Emmets is ants, we got grockles and we are in the last bit of civilisation before it hits bandit country, where they have to pay to drive out of it.
Cyclists are NOT forbidden from riding two abreast:

"You should.....

* never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends...."

(Highway Code)
As a National Standard cycle instructor and British Cycling coach, the advice I give to young cyclists is “be observant”. Keep your head up and be aware of what is around you at all times. When riding, keep at least a metre away from the kerb and, where necessary, move to the centre of your lane to defend your position at junctions and to make yourself more visible to other road users. This is especially critical at roundabouts…… :D

When we cycle we behave like cyclists and when we drive we behave like a motorist and have little tolerance for the other– we could just as easily be discussing pedestrians and cyclists – the same rules apply. The obvious thing to do when riding, driving or walking is to have consideration for other road users.

I ride about 3,500 commuting miles a year on a mixture of busy A-roads, quieter lanes and town riding. I’m still in one piece but I take nothing for granted. I keep myself visible to other road users either by using lights, hi-viz or simply adopting the correct position in the road.

If you are interested, I suggest “Cyclecraft” by John Franklin. Your local library should have a copy……
Its tricky - in addittion to numpties high on Benylin and hairspray, even straight/sober drivers are are to be avoided (literally).

I'm an occasional roady nowadays and the last few times out have been generally ok apart from a local guy in a Turquoise Mercedes who passes with no more than a couple of inches to spare - git.

Might bang my trolley into his shin next time in Tescos.

When driving to work last week, after spending 20 minutes scraping ice off windows and defrosting car, a car passed going in the opposite direction with nothing but a "tank slit" scraped on his windscreen - totally frosted up apart from a strip 15cm x 50cm which he'd cleared in front of the steering wheel. Tit.
Little Mark":3sm0bbcs said:
As a National Standard cycle instructor and British Cycling coach, the advice I give to young cyclists is “be observant”. Keep your head up and be aware of what is around you at all times. When riding, keep at least a metre away from the kerb and, where necessary, move to the centre of your lane to defend your position at junctions and to make yourself more visible to other road users. This is especially critical at roundabouts…… :D
good advice.. thats why i questioned retrowagen1234 when he said....
retrowagen1234":3sm0bbcs said:
Cyclists have no right at all to be slowing traffic chatting to eachother.

a bit of a strange point of view on a cycling forum... and in my view totally wrong

Cyclists have every right to slow traffic if needed...