7Speed's 1992 Brodie Sovereign

Its been a bit busy at work so only just go to looking at the bike again. I had a set of Hugi Compacts with Ritchey Vantage Sport rims built and fitted the nice new XT headset. This was only my second Headset fit so was pleased it ended up butter smooth and tight. For some reason this always seemed very intimidating but the biggest hassle is getting the old one out and the crown race off the forks... Headset Fitting1.webp Headset Fitting2.webp

I also realized that after the respray I needed to get the bottom bracket chased and faced. I don't have these tools so the guys at Kaptein Tweewhielers helped me out. BB Chase & Face.webp
Tomorrow I hope to get a little time to fit the BB and progress the build to a point where I see if the components work and look right.
Looking great Andy. Looks like Brodie's "wasabi" green. Love it 😍