3ttt Stem Question...

Mr Weirdo

Retro Guru

I have always used SR Stems, etc and the bolt that holds them to the headset/headset tube is easily accessible at the top and an Allen key can be used to remove it.

Now I have a 3ttt stem which has a cap and when you remove the cap you can see the head of a bolt? How do I untighten this bolt and with what tool size please? I can't make out whether it is an Allen key fitting or not?

Thank you for your help. IMG_20230515_115201858.jpg
Please ignore hole in sock...I do 😀

I have always used SR Stems, etc and the bolt that holds them to the headset/headset tube is easily accessible at the top and an Allen key can be used to remove it.

Now I have a 3ttt stem which has a cap and when you remove the cap you can see the head of a bolt? How do I untighten this bolt and with what tool size please? I can't make out whether it is an Allen key fitting or not?

Thank you for your help.View attachment 740473
Please ignore hole in sock...I do 😀
Should be an Allen key, it’s 6mm for most I think.
Thank you so I need to buy one of those long shaft type Allen tools and the not the short L shaped ones.

My vision is a bit dodgy so I could not see the head of the bolt as well as I would like.

Thanks again.
Thank you so I need to buy one of those long shaft type Allen tools and the not the short L shaped ones.

My vision is a bit dodgy so I could not see the head of the bolt as well as I would like.

Thanks again.
If you’ve got an Allen key socket set I ground the socket bit down until it fit in the hole. Then you’ve got some leverage

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