35th Anniversary of the sport

The only rule for riding Repack is--There are no rules...(there is a speed limit in the water district of 15 mph if they catch you) As much as I like my old Funk, my modern Fisher 5" travel bike with disc brakes is so much better for handling that descent that I don't think twice which bike to take there. The rest of the guys in the photo I posted all agree, with Brian (LBS owner) on a full downhill bike and full face helmet. Joe Breeze is on a Fuji full susser, as he didn't make one at the time-just hardtails-but I hear he has a fully suspended bike in the works now, so we shall see! If you haven't seen it yet, I made a video of the Repack run a few years ago with JB riding a Breezer Twister full sus from the '90s. Go to Youtube-Repack Pat Reddix.
FairfaxPat":3cx7rrua said:
Here's a photo from the 2009 Repack anniversary. CK, Brian Harrell, Chris Lang, myself, and Joe Breeze!

its like the picture of Dorian Grey... its all kinds of awesome.

I don't want to sound like a gushing fool, but i think it is an honour to have founding members of our beloved sport and love present and contributing on this hallowed site. To be part of that makes me feel like part of the family having followed you guys the last 25 years.
Dr S":25ktd9dw said:
Simple. This is RetroBike's celebration of a momentous occasion and we would like to see retro bikes being ridden. We also want to avoid someone turning up on a DH rig and a full face helmet to go hooning down the downhill track.

Si, I know exactly where you are coming from and what you are trying to achieve, but the tone in the previous posts is maybe a little antagonistic.

I think in the spirit of the event all that needs to be said is pre 97 bikes strongly encouraged (80s if you can, limited loaners available for the event), and riders to ride the uphill and downhill on the same bike.

That way if someone rocks up on a period correct 95 Foes DH rig in period skin suit and full face and they are prepared to ride or push up the hill then they aren’t excluded.

Anyway I’d love to attend the event, but I may just have to organise a similar event a little closer to home. :cool:
Great idea! All the best with it :)

Sounds like a great idea. I'm pencilling in 21/10/11 so I can think about it on the day..... Or maybe rewatch Klunkerz? :)

Not in UK anymore though...and certainly don't have a pre-97 bike (Want to get an old Giant or Kona and SSpeed it-Hope that's not sacrilege?!?).

I see Aussies in on the act-Any NZ-based members on RB?
andrewl":zk5z1tr4 said:
Si, I know exactly where you are coming from and what you are trying to achieve, but the tone in the previous posts is maybe a little antagonistic.

Antagonistic? Where? Also, can I add that this is not my idea, rather it is the idea of the guys that organise the NE&Yorks rides... It is a collective effort, planned and discussed over the last six months, I am mearly the messenger.

That way if someone rocks up on a period correct 95 Foes DH rig in period skin suit and full face and they are prepared to ride or push up the hill then they aren’t excluded.

If someone turns up on a 95 Foes DH bike then they will be included as the cut off is 1997 and I'm sure 1995 was a few years before 1997. However, if someone rocks up in Yorkshire wearing a skin suit I'm sure they will have a pretty tough time in the piss taking department. In fact, I think we will go for the UCI ruling and say skin suits are banned for everyones sakes.

As said before, the organisers, want this event to be a celebration of those pioneering days back in California. There are plenty of other rides where modern bikes are welcome but we want this to be not only a heap of fun but a real celebration of the older bikes. No one will be excluded; We have plenty of spare bikes between us to make sure anyone without a bike can take part.

Lets draw a line under this now. Its a shame that what should be a thread about something great is starting to slide into disagreement.

andrewl":3is2uxns said:
...I’d love to attend the event, but I may just have to organise a similar event a little closer to home. :cool:

The 21st is a Friday & only 2 weeks after the Canberra Scott 24hr (4 day weekend, woot!) so I can't see myself getting over to Tassie, unfortunately.

Local boys want to arrange a ride & barbie on the Saturday or Sunday?
FairfaxPat":3s1ninip said:
If you haven't seen it yet, I made a video of the Repack run a few years ago with JB riding a Breezer Twister full sus from the '90s. Go to Youtube-Repack Pat Reddix.
Pat, thanks for that! This is one of the coolest videos I know for sure - love the spirit and fun! No surprise you guys built purpose bikes for that...

FairfaxPat":3s1ninip said:
The only rule for riding Repack is--There are no rules...
Something to keep up and celebrate :cool:

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