3 dead in 4 days!!!!

ti_pin_man":2arqsdhs said:
the answer isn't just investment, London has had significant investment over recent years, it could always use more but some money has been spent. The other things that need to be done include, in my mind, reduction of large vehicles - lorries and the like and perhaps restricted delivery times and making those that do come into the city have better all round site. Continued investment in road improvements. However I think the biggest thing is to change the mindset of drivers, educating them.

the numbers of people riding has increased I am sure. Relative to the number of bike trips done I would imagine the deaths haven't increased, maybe they are stable numbers and one death is too many. If this continues I think a critical mass will occur, maybe its starting to happen, where the power shifts from the car to the bike in terms of how people think when they travel in London. I hope so.

All excellent points, I am sure we all are aware from our own experience that the mindset of a lot of drivers is dreadful.

I'm going to say that educating drivers won't fulfill the desperate need to address the issue. Nor will educating cyclists.
Motor vehicle drivers are too self entitled and the physcopathic tendencies of humans when they get behind the wheel is too much to tackle. No short term wins there in my opinion.
Educating cyclists - while I agree this is valuable, I say as well that laws need amending/updating/new ones brought in.
These accidents will continue to happen until cycling and motor vehicle infrastructures are completely separated. Prosecution (or the distinct threat of it) will work to some extent, but only until laws are updated/police forces can pull themselves away from other baeureaucratic processes in order to police the updated laws.

So many of these stories come up and it's the same debates that happen again and again. I don't want to be sharing the roads with vehicles in excess of a tonne. Better cycle lane markings won't reassure me, nor will different junction layouts. I don't want to be near any cars (even parked ones where you're faced with the possibility of being 'doored') let alone the god damn buses and lorries. **** that. Gimme a longer route if needs be. As long as it's away from those bloody death cages.

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