A very enjoyable ride in the most wintery conditions I have had this winter.
The Met Office forecast said the snow would start at 9am and they were pretty much bang on. By the time I arrived at the car park to meet DynaCol who had got there first the snow was just beginning to lie. And it didn't stop snowing from then until the ride was finished. Not all that heavy, but steady all the same. I don't think there were many photos taken the second half of the ride as the snow and cold were taking their toll. Most bikes were looking fairly abominable and some of the riders too.
8 riders turned up at the final toll with Mike aka Velofrog breaking his MacRetro cherry on his Kermit coloured Ibis. Shamefully there were only 2 genuine retro bikes with DynaCols Trimble and Jimos Tushingham. An honourable mention though to Epicyclo on his Rat-Ride 1x1 which was almost there, being a '98 we reckon. The rest were on a variety of fat, half fat, 3/4 slim, nearly 29 plus, yadda, yadda, yadda bikes. Certainly amongst them all the Surly company had done rather well!
So we rode up the hill in the snow, around the loch in the heavier snow, and then back down via the 'cliff top trail' still in the snow. There were one or 2 comedy falls as expected but we all made it back down to Dunkeld for some tasty scran in the pub.
Hopefully there should be lots more photos coming, but spare a thought for the truly Hardcore Mr Dyer who while I am writing this will still be driving home. And to think that no-one could cross the border from Fife! :facepalm:
Great times lads. Looking forward to the next one.