Stripped it off the bike and removed all the decals. The gave it a rub down ready for a bit of paint. Not the easiest thing to do, look at it! Lots of cut out sections!
Was going to go White on the swingarm, but thinking Black now. White front triangle though with Black decals. Just need to rub the front triangle down now.
Swingarm has been dropped off to be powdercoated. Bloke said it'll be interesting to do given all the webbing etc, but should be ok. He's doing it Black, as it'll cut costs given that he has some parts for his motorbike that he wants to do at the same time. This means the main frame will be White with Black decals.
Got some bug/tar remover to help remove the left overs from the old main frame decals, which when done will mean I can start sanding and prepping the main frame.
Picked up a Hope Mono M4 and Mono Mini brake for the bike and the Mono 6 Ti has gone to a new home.
Monsters have sold for a good price on eBay, so am now on the look out for some Boxxers or 66's. Monsters were too heavy for what I want, although they were cool