2000 Marin Mount Vision Build


The 90s rigid Marin I ride on the other hand gets plenty of comments out on the trail, ranging from kudos to complete bemusement. MTB marketing seems to have done a pretty good job convincing prospective buyers these sort of bikes simply aren't fit for the trails we ride any more... Sure you have to take things a little slower but I always think it's a shame you never see many older 90s bikes being ridden in popular MTB destinations.

+1 re older bikes. I was out for a couple of hours today on my solid M2 Stumpy. Certainly it was slower and line choice was paramount but I had a great time.
Wadsey has just built a '97 Rift Zone for me with parts and very little help from me. First to go was the fork boots (sorry), it sports 720 bars and a 60mm stem, I was looking forward to collecting it next week but my flight has been cancelled so it will have to wait until I'm next able to visit the UK.

Wadsey has taken a few pictures of it for me but I can't seem to move them to here though. Any advice from the experts please.

You have to resize the pics to make the file size smaller or they won't go up. Can't remember what the upper limit is though!
I struggled for ages trying to reduce picture sizes down for the Retrobike website. Eventually I came across an app in the App Store (I'm sure Android will have something similar) called 'Image Size'. You can import your photos and reduce the size down from big MB size files to much smaller KB size files which this website can handle. Sure, the quality isn't quite as good, but they're probably good enough. I'm sure there must be other ways but I hope this helps.
The image upload size has been raised. I no longer have to resize images to upload.

The site will tell you if your images are too big when you try to attach them. Plenty of free image resizers out there if thats still the case.

I'm rubbish with computers so I may be talking borrocks but if the picture is already in a PM then it can't be too large for this site or can it?

Well I've gone boss eyed trying to move the pictures, but now they've been stopped with a message, in red no less, saying that they are a vector attack. I've no idea what that means but I think I've high jacked this very excellent thread enough. Pics when I can meet up with the bike. :cool: