This bike has been fun as hell these past few months, but despite installing a clutched RD, it occasionally throws the chain (outwards) when shifting into the smallest cog on the cassette.
So I looked into getting a Narrow-Wide chainring, and found that pretty much the only option for 94bcd Turbines was
this chainring from Wolf Tooth.
It's a lovely chainring, the quality seems stellar. However, upon installation there was an issue;
The four threaded holes accept the male portion of the 6mm bolts just fine, and slip snugly into the chainset.
The fifth non-threaded hole is too small to fit the female (nut) half of the chainring bolt through, and if I reverse it and insert through the front, Wolf Tooth's shallowest 6mm bolt doesn't get far enough in to tighten up.
So I found a workaround for this issue - it involves using:
1 6mm Chainring nut
1 10mm Chainring bolt
1 spacer
It looks a bit shit, but I'm more comfortable using this workaround than potentially having to drill out a precision component.