1998 Kona Cinder Cone. Something alittle different


Devout Dirtbag
Hi All,

My Kona Cinder Cone, 1998. Bare Steel finish (Coated with boiled Linseed Oil)
Reasonably well turned out project.
Total build was under £100 and about 24 man hours.
This is just a fun project and not for serious mountain biking, it will be used in summer on old railway lines and bridal paths.
It will be interesting to see how the bare steel finish holds up.


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Like that, great idea. What did you use to remove paint. So many strippers nowadays struggle to get down to the bare metal.
Looks nice bare. And why Linseed oil?



to remove paint i used a wire brush on a drill at low rpm, then same again on a dremmel for hard to reach places.

to finish i used sand paper - 200 grit to start then 600, 800 and lastly 1200.

Then coated in boiled linseed oil. I have coated it once more since these pictures and not s single spot of rust. i'm very happy with the finish.

It ride's so nice as well. it will get used alot in dry summer conditions.
mkone":yc9c2mmj said:
Looks nice bare. And why Linseed oil?


after some research and advise from people on here, boiled linseed oil coats the surface. it needs re-applying once in a while but saves the "bare" look.

so far so good