1997 Sunn Notion 18in frame... just pay postage ...SOLD


I’d happily sort the cheapest I could postage and charge only what postage is but like I say this COULD be up to £26 but unlikely.

PO better option actually as I wouldn’t waste a day waiting in for courier.

If anyone wanted this then a £10 pp gift deposit would seal me getting it boxed up and then the buyer could pay the difference I am charged once I box it and try PO for cheaper quote.

Collect from me still for free!

Sorry, that sounded like I was telling you what to do!! At the end of the day, I still find parcelling up anything this big an utter pain in the butt, especially when you're not going to make a penny out of it. I know, I've ended up giving stuff away myself enough times... :lol:

Haha... no offence taken mate.

Just wanna try and give this a good home as I have too many bikes/builds..... but alas, if there’s no takers I might renovate the forks (pulled out left elastomer and it’s perfect so must be just seized stanchions through lack of use and dirt) and see where I am at the time.

I'd happily take the frame and stem, wouldn't need the seatpost or forks TBH, for whatever it costs you to post, plus a consideration for your beer/bike/other vices fund...??

Only if the other chap doesn't still want it, mind 8)

Frame and stem now sold to like clockwork. :D
I want pics of when it’s built up tho as part of the deal :facepalm:

That was bloody hard work giving something away for only postage

Ill keep hold of the forks for now then.
