Bear in mind that this bike has been sensibly up-graded to 9-speed LX and it has LX/XT/517 wheels. OK, it's less retro than an all-original bike, but Lava Domes were often sold with some pretty iffy kit on them, but that was always the deal - high-quality frame plus iffy kit at a medium price was what made the Lava Dome the ultimate upgradeable bike. OK, this one's been upgraded, that's what you're supposed to do - and this owner has had the good sense to keep the original triple-butted P2s on it and spend his upgrading money on the drivetrain, brakes and wheels. I don't see how he can be faulted on that.
£255 isn't much for a bike of this quality and that is so useable as this IMHO. Try going down to Halfords and beating it!
£255 isn't much for a bike of this quality and that is so useable as this IMHO. Try going down to Halfords and beating it!