1996 Kona Kilauea - re-freshed for 2010?


Old School Hero
My reinterest in mountain biking inspired me to buy a new bike last year - a full suspension Kona.
So my long lasting 1996 Kona Kilauea was rested, but what to do with her long term. Well I decided that the Columbus frame was too good to sell, and I wanted to re-build the frame and freshen it up.
So here is the last build of the old colur scheme, and now fresh from Argos, a new paint scheme, inspired by an old Hot design.
My plan is build her up with mainly new parts, since this is going to be a second bike I will use on a regular basis.
New colour


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I was going to say how much I liked the old paint colour

But the new paintjob is freaking awesome :cool:
Fantastic paintwork & really nice to see something different to the single colour jobs. Makes me bloody jealous though :cool:

I know its rude but did it cost an arm and a leg to get done ?
Thanks for the positive response. I spent a long time considering different options, and I realised that although I actually liked the original colour, the full 'body' of the metalic finish really didn't come across unless you were in good sunlight. I therefore decided that if I was going to go to the trouble of a re-spray, I would go for something different and more impressive.
I had got to the point where I'd got a quote to do a replica of the flame scheme of the 1997 Hot, but I wasn't confident that I'd get the flame effect that I wanted. I then came across an alternative scheme of the Hot from 1998 (I think it is the Frankenstein scheme), and that is what inspired this design.
Cost wise, I actually also had a few modifications done at the same time, including new cable guides on the top tube, reamed seat tube (though I don't think this was done), and faced the bottom bracket for modern external bottom brackets.
Total cost including the forks were a little over £200, including delivery both ways, which I don't actually think is bad value all in all.
this is the dilemma i'm having with my 92 explosif, stick with originality or do something very different.

the thing that is stopping me doing something different is that i had my 93 clockwork painted british racing green, and it looks great but i still sort of wish i had the classic orange white fade done regardless of the fact i have the 07 version in the same colour!

when i see i job like yours looking fantastic i think yep get something awsome done that's not original!!!

basically . . . . . aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!!!! is what is going through my head when i think of this issue!!!! :x :x :x

damn lovely paint job you have there though :D