I'm quite surprised at the interest this bike has made, as usually my bikes go through this forum relatively quietly. I've actually received a few phone calls and emails about it! I guess it got me thinking as to why, and I think it's all about timing. You see, all these parts are pretty hard to come by now, and getting very expensive for what they actually are, but I bought all these years ago and stored them away when their value was pretty low versus today. So, whilst it seems I've gone and found all this recently, I stress that it's been lugged around in boxes for years.
Anyway, thanks for the appreciation and motivation so far. Back to business...
So far, only a few bits have turned up in the post, so I'll give a little update. The most interesting parts are the canti bolt surrounds that I've specified for Chris (Rampage) to make up, and here they are through their various stages, starting with fresh off the machine...
Then just after anodising, and still a bit wet...
I'm not sure what the other bits are in the photo, but they're not mine so must be something else he's working on.
As soon as the cable outers turn up I can get most things finished off.