Hi there! I have finally picked up an earlier 1992 Zaskar with u-brake at a local garage sale for cheap. It is nick free, dent free, it should polish up nicely. As you can see, it also came with Spinergy Roks XE in what appears to be a very good condition, no obvious damages. Heavier and brittle, I know, that is ok by me. I do have MAG21 and m900 bits in my parts bin, long waited for this kind of opportunities, but I'm really digging how this whole package looks. Under the caked mud and crusty grease is rather pristine noteworthy components, including:
So the question: First time with the Spinergy wheels, so got some questions: is there any special instruction on how to service the hubs? Quick look doesn't give me a clue how to remove axle, not like cup and cone of Shimano. I'm comfortable servicing all hubs, but these hubs look like made of some kind of composite material - I'm not sure. Google isn't much of a help.
Thanks in advance!
Spinergy Roks XE
Michelin Wildgripper in a superb shape. Lots of dry cracks but not bad at all, the inside feels rather fresh
Shimano 735 XT mechs
Shimano M60 cranksets
Shimano Exage U brakes
Answer Manitou Three, red elastomers are compressed, blue ones has turned into bits and pieces. I guess I need a elastomer kit.
Diacompe XCE front brakes
Tioga Alchemy headset (I'm very excited with this, oddly)
Gripshift (first one that is not cracked)
And a whole host of stickers
So the question: First time with the Spinergy wheels, so got some questions: is there any special instruction on how to service the hubs? Quick look doesn't give me a clue how to remove axle, not like cup and cone of Shimano. I'm comfortable servicing all hubs, but these hubs look like made of some kind of composite material - I'm not sure. Google isn't much of a help.
Thanks in advance!
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