Update, paint is removed! Or was it even paint? Not really sure, it seemed a bit rubbery possibly a different spray on coating? Modern paint strippers are not as effective as old school ones. I sourced a "stronger" one and it was helpful to dig out the nooks and crannies but I had to resort to my disk sander with very light grit for outer portions and the rest was all hand sanded, it took many hours

but very satisfying to see the frame down to the surface.
The sprayed on grey top coat was at least 2oz in weight according to my fish scale which only registers in 2oz increments. Not sure if quality paint it that heavy? The frame weights 4lbs 10oz as pictured below with BB. I'll guess the BB around 300g? Bringing the frame around 4lbs.
Not the underneath paint condition I was hoping for
@al-onestare but it's getting a full respray. There were large sections of paint missing on the front triangle. I'm fortunate to still see the outline of the downtube decals and seat tube "made in U.S.A" decal. Always nice to have the exact location measurements when placing the new decals.
Was nice to find the frame without cracks or dents with paint removed. I added a touch of bondo around the chainsuck area. Ready for paint once I locate some!
Pictured with the Syncros/Flite combo which will be going on:
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