1990 GT Timberline - is there a size sticker on the frame?


Dirt Disciple

I've spotted a GT Timberline for sale near me but when I asked the seller for the size they just said that they were nearly 6'1" and it fitted them. Is there a sticker on the frame I could ask them to look for with the frame size on? I'm after an 18" ideally - worried I'll end up with a 20" frame!

I'm a bit wary of buying frames with vague sizing after my last retro purchase - a BSA Roadie with a crossbar a little higher than is comfortable - if you know what I mean!

I sold a 1991 Timberline recently and I don't recall it having a size sticker on the frame. Some manufacturers supplied bikes with size stickers, which they asked the dealers to remove when the bike was sold (I have a Trek with a 'remove at time of sale' size sticker).

Rather than rely on dodgy measuring, if the bike is near you it would be better to go along and check it out in person.
A quick look outside at some of the fleet and the 90 Timberline and 92 have no sticker.
One of my later ones (about 98 does).

Don't think I've seen a sticker on any of mine pre 1996.

Do you have a photo of it, it's quite easy to guess from the angle of the top tube what frame size a GT is.