1990 Alpinestar Cro Mega DX Renovation


Dirt Disciple
Hi All,

I let a friend borrow my old Alpinestar and he recently asked me if I wanted it back - he's only had it 7 years! Oh dear it's looking a good deal sadder than when I let him have it :-(

I bought it new back in 1990 for the princely sum of £574 from Reg Braddick in Cardiff which makes it 31 this year! The plan is to have he frame stripped and re-sprayed in original colours and re-assembled. I've stripped it back and now have all the component parts off ready to be cleaned, with the exception of the bottom bracket which I didn't have the right tool for removal. All the parts are the original Shimano Deore DX group set the bike came with right down to the original Araya RX7 rims, although they're looking pretty bad from a truing point of view. Does anyone know if you can get hold of the decal set for the 1990 one, I've seen the '91 versions but not '90


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A worthy project indeed.

Gil does 1990 decals. He supplied the cro-mega LX. see below.

The paintjob was powder coat, just light red and off white worked well.

A sympathetic coater will do your chosen two colours keeping the joint close as possible, but a neat stop-start of colours is a challenge for them. Anyhow the decals cover the joint just nice.


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Hi Marc,

love the LX looks really neat - a tad muddy but neat all the same :)

The bike was like looking at a barn find when my friend gave it back to me. It had been stored in an outhouse for the past 5 years, so I've got my work cut out on this one. The picture below is how it looked when I lent it to him!

Who is Gil and where can I find him?

Thanks in advance


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Theres another link somewhere, something retrodecals...something but the image attached will set the ball rolling.


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