1989 Team Marin - The boomerang

Slowly getting there with this one. The frame is now resprayed and I am just waiting for the lacquer to fully harden before a wet sand and polish. For a garden rattle can job it looks OK despite debris from trees and insects doing their worse. A big part of that is due to the fresh decals from Gil.

Just the components to get cleaned up and fitted. Hopefully it should be a working bike again in about a week. Then to give it away to my brother, hope he appreciates it.


Well it's done. Far too much time and effort have gone into this really for a bike to give away but hey ho.

Spec wise it's fairly period correct with an XTII groupset but some deviations to the finishing kit.

As its a rider I gave all the components a good clean but didn't spend days wet sanding and polishing everything like I would have done had it been one of my personal bikes. No doubt it will get put in the garage dirty after a ride so it will be easier to maintain this way for my brother. One thing he requested was slicks. Not what I would have chosen but I've built enough bikes for other people over the years to know I should build what they want and not what I would like.

I gave it back to my brother today who was very happy with it. He did comment it was the one bike he wished over the years that he hadn't sold so it really was a stroke of pure luck to get his exact frameset back.

So here's the finished bike. Camera still makes the pink on the forks/stem look red but in reality it's bright pink.


Had it not been for this sticker I probably would have never recognised the bike. So only seemed appropriate that it went back on under some helitape to protect it for the next 30 years.


Couldn't resist seeing what it looked like with some proper tyres.

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