That frame is weird- Taken together, the serial number (if BJ), the transfers, and the top tube cable guides suggest: (circa)1987, but just about everything else- nutted brakes, over bracket cables, long ends, lack of bottle cage bosses or lever bosses- says: (circa) 1974. So chances are it was a 'retro' frame from inception.. commissioned in the late '80s by someone who was attached- either by emotion or componentry or both- to the '70s. That is my theory, anyway. Unless the frame is genuinely 1970s, and someone stamped a '1' in front of the serial number later, then got the frame re-finished. (8831 would be about right for an early-mid '70s BJ, afaik).Really that old?!
Jamiedyer":1qw2jvbh said:What is the rear spacing?
NeilM":4uagw8ij said:In my experience you have two choices; retromod where you fit whatever you like, or age related where you pester the living daylights out of Shaun.
I have done both. :mrgreen: