1984 and now

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No I forgot what happened to him.😳

Look it's true though. News pieces more like opinions nowadays.
They don't even report half the terror attacks anymore, just ignore them, pretend they aren't happening.
I guess it gets too boring for them?

And all this trans nonsense that's in the "news" today. Trans people can do what they like, they're free to do as they please.
But apart from intersex people, a man is still a man and a woman is still a woman. Our kids are getting massively confused over this issue.
They haven't even done a basic biology class and they have all of this propaganda instilled into them.

This whole calling one sex the other is exactly what doublespeak is all about! Lying as truth.
And all this trans nonsense that's in the "news" today. Trans people can do what they like, they're free to do as they please.
But apart from intersex people, a man is still a man and a woman is still a woman. Our kids are getting massively confused over this issue.
They haven't even done a basic biology class and they have all of this propaganda instilled into them.

Oh dear :rolleyes:
Oh dear what?
A man can't have a baby, he doesn't have a womb.
And women don't have sperm.

(of course, that doesn't stop researchers trying to create sperm and eggs from other cells, still, it's not natural)
I am merely responding to a thread someone else has started, this bit:
News channels telling us what to think?
Like for example that they are always cramming trans stories into news websites when they're not actual news.
Do leftists think they have a monopoly on thought/opinion/reason, or what?

Anbody else is called a troll, or banned/banished is that it? Let's debate it then.
1, are you now or have you ever been Transgender*?
2, do you face daily harassment for decision you have made in your life in an attempt to stop you from killing yourself?
3, do you understand the view point of the other side of your argument enough that you won't bring the discussion down to a base level of "it's just not natural"?
4, have you now, or have you ever been considered as part of a minority?
5, are you basing your opinion on facts presented by a non bias news organisation?
6, have you actually researched anything behind the discussion other than just face value? perhaps spoken with or worked along side someone who is part of that community?

If you can't answer in the affirmative for half of these questions then your opinion is just that, an opinion, something that we all have but on which no general populace consensus should ever be based and certainly not the grounds for a debate. No one has ever changed an opinion by debating it. You are entitled to your opinion but no one else is entitled to it, they have one already, it might not align with yours but it's there and they won't change it because you tell them they should. the best thing to do with an opinion is keep it to yourself and go do your research instead, perhaps use that knowledge (note, not opinion, knowledge) to do something useful instead of posting about gender, race, political affiliation or country of origin on an internet forum devoted to bicycles.

Thanks for your opinion, I'm now aware of it and I'm happy you have one, do enjoy it.

* please note that I have excluded the LGBGT+ community from this question as you wish to focus on a persons choices related to how they wish to be perceived to the population rather than on their chosen sexuality.
Here we go.

1) No. And what difference does that make? Where it concerns me is that trans people now collectively demand that I, a non-trans-aligned person change my language, something which I was raised with. Why should I use a plural word to describe a singular person? The fact is, I don't have to. So forget it. Gay people never asked this of us. The singular neuter pronoun is 'it' not 'them', sorry if you don't like that word.

2) I'm not 'harassing' anyone. I even said above: "Trans people can do what they like, they're free to do as they please." I encourage them. But if they have a penis, then I'm not pretending that they're a woman. Not sorry about that either. I just can't lie to myself or others. They can stick it where they want, so long as it's consensual, but don't expect me to pretend that they're the opposite sex and appease them. You see, you are imposing your beliefs (that you're the opposite sex) onto me. I'm not going to appease religious people or flat-Earthers either by the way.

3) But it isn't exactly natural. Of course there are examples of species with gay elements in the natural world. But you're trying to make something that isn't natural, natural. You're even trying to breed (with the help of science). Furthermore, you're trying to destroy the traditional family.

Now, my hypothesis is that gayness (for want of a better word) is a kind of automatic population control. Even so, lots of things aren't exactly natural, such as cycling, so I'll leave it at that.

4) Yes absolutely. I was a former leftist. I know how it feels to be the uncool kid in school growing up. And now that leftism is the majority, I've moved over to the center (I suppose you would call it "far right"). It's actually harder coming out as conservative today than gay. Not that I'm gay, but there you go. I'm the minority on this forum and look at how I am getting treated here (not kindly as you can see).

5) The facts are: men can't have babies and women don't produce sperm. Those are facts. If they do, it's something of an anomaly (abnormality). The trouble with your "bias" statement is that most news outlets today are HEAVILY biased into one of two camps. ABC/BBC included.

6) I certainly have, because I'm an ex research scientist. And you know what? Every single time I got into a debate with someone on twitter, quoting actual research articles on the topic, I was either banned or blocked, no exceptions. Trans people simply don't want a proper scientific debate.

You can take as many hormones as you want, but it doesn't make you the opposite sex. And you're confusing kids about this subject (that's exactly what you want I expect, to become the majority). Heck, even grown adults are now confused.
Oh dear what?
A man can't have a baby, he doesn't have a womb.
And women don't have sperm.

(of course, that doesn't stop researchers trying to create sperm and eggs from other cells, still, it's not natural)

Keep going.

You should hang out with JK Rowling.
Let me guess this straight.

You think all cultures are equal.🤨
And you think that women can become men, and men can become women.🤨

Is that right?
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