1979 Carlton Professional Mk.5 - restoration advice needed

I've got these on the way:

Do you think I stand any chance of getting them shiny? I'm tempted to paint the body black as the metal is so dull. The combination of black with chrome levers would give them a Super Record look.

Anything is possible given enough time and effort. A bit of vinegar to get rid of the tarnish, rub with foil, then metal polish to get a better lasting finish might not go amiss.
I'll see how it comes up with a bit of polish, but it looks like the sort of metal that always looks a bit dull. I need to touch up the rear derailleur as it's had some scuffs. I'll see how that goes before I touch the levers. I might have some gloss black Humbrol enamel paint left over from my wasted youth building Airfix models.


Got a vintage black Brooks Professional saddle coming in the post. I'm really looking forward to trying it out. Leather saddle maintenance is another skill I need to learn!
Thanks for asking :). Holidays have caused a brief hiatus and the bottom bracket tool that I ordered didn't arrive. I've got a replacement now, so I can continue with the disassembly and clean up the frame soon.

I have cleaned and regreased the wheel hubs, which was my first time attempting this. It was not as big a faff as I thought it would be to get the ball bearings back in place.

The bike came with Mavic MA2 rim and Campagnolo hub on the front and a Rigida rim and Joytech hub on the back. I bought another MA2 wheel to match the front, which came with a Record hub. Next job will be to service the new hub.

I'll have to get some pics up of the bar end levers. I should have sent those back as they don't match well with each other. One of them looks to be poorer quality than the other, it's like they were made in different factories.
I must admit, my preference is for Carlton over Raleigh. I've just got my hands on a 1982 Holdsworth Professional in the orange and blue. It was the first bike I ever saw in a proper bike shop, before my uncle sold me a 531 race bike that was at least two sizes too big for me!
I must admit, my preference is for Carlton over Raleigh. I've just got my hands on a 1982 Holdsworth Professional in the orange and blue. It was the first bike I ever saw in a proper bike shop, before my uncle sold me a 531 race bike that was at least two sizes too big for me!
Hey Canuk, been there too, explains why I like over-sized frames. Worksop frames are superb, when Raleigh took over Carlton there was a transition period, early '80's, but then .... Carlton was essentially lost.

My 1981 Corsair.
I remember buying a Corsair for thirty quid back in the day, and thinking wow! All this with Sun Tour Powershift levers too! Nice frames, and a solid paint finish which seemed impervious to rust.

A few years later I bought a Pro Am from an old, very old antiquated Raleigh dealer run by two crotchety bachelor brothers. I think Raleigh had their hands on the production by then and the thing rusted to buggery within two years 😭

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