Absolutely superb restoration! And I say that as the 'original' owner/ seller who let this one go. I was genuinely worried that it might get chopped up, parted out, or just be badly done. Although when I checked out the photos of your bike collection, I knew it would be in good company. You have really done the Viscount name proud
@Guinessisgoodforyou ! It looks smoking hot.
I loved reading your write up too, made me laugh.
By the way readers,
@Guinessisgoodforyou, didn't need much arm twisting to take both bikes. It was a case of "I'll knock some money off and box them up, are you interested?" 20 mins later "ah, yes, go on then".
My only regret is not quoting for massive amount of extra strong Gorilla tape - I used miles and miles of it

It's a wonder anyone could get into those boxes.
It really is a great ride, and turns a few heads. Enjoy it.
If anyone is interested in Viscount, then we have a small forum board over here - very friendly and lots of info and technical stuff.