1954 Claud Butler Jubilee Special #5412 8509

dr nosh":230mae8m said:
As a new subscriber, I'm very interested in this build.

I also have a Jubilee, 1952, with matching frame and fork numbers 5212 6004.

The result of the cleaning of the pedals. Is that a result of using evapo-rust? What else did you have to do to get this result? (Its not a product that I am familiar with).

I've attached a picture, but will upload some more details to the gallery. Built in 2009 for use in the 2nd and 3rd Tweed Rides in London. (Lost interest after that due to blatent commercialization of the event).

Welcome onboard Doctor! Great to see another colourful Claud.. I can’t understand why some people re-paint their period bikes a dull brick red, never in the catalogue, so why make life dull?

As for evapo-rust; its great stuff, you can use it again & again, after use I pour 95% into a second container (minus as much of the crud as possible) to use until it stops activating/converting the rust, or whatever is chemically going on….
Here is the process I used on the pedals;
1. Strip down, taking care to bag up the balls
2. Thoroughly clean & de-grease. very important.
3. Immerse pedals in a plastic Tupperware/take-away/ice cream tub. Seal the lid.
4. With awkward sticky-out bits (like the clips) these went in a larger container, but would need loads to cover, so I wrapped them closely in kitchen towel, soak this and made sure its in close contact all over. Then pop them in a container with some evapo-rust and let it just soak up through
5. 12hrs latter, can be less, can be more, remove and rinse.
6. Then I spray them up with WD40 to expel all moisture out of the pits and tiny rust holes, this is very important, miss this, blink, and there will be a fine layer of rust on them again.
7. Finally a polish up with MAAS, the best all round metal polish on the market.

BTW, I've only just started using this stuff... I learnt the above over the last week.

PS, as a newbie, just a tip..have a scan around and make the odd polite comment to help build up your post score.. as you won’t be able to create a signature or vote on the Bike of the month comps until you’ve got a post score of 30.


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legrandefromage":13gsm3mk said:
This needs to be entered into some sort of 'road bike of the month' competit...

Oh, wait, damn...

T– minus (RBotM June) 8 days & counting

Really just waiting until Saturday morning to get my balanced wheels back from Derek Flintoff, grand master of the wheel, Driffield.
So, to fill in todays slot, here is a Christmas present Lady Peachy got me a couple of years ago… its never been out of the box, let alone fitted to a bike. Just occasionally I would open up the box and inhale…..

Now its on…. Oh yes!


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Wheels are in the boot, trued up and ready to roll…. Just need to fit the tubular tyres.. something I have never done before, armed only with a printed off copy of instructions from RB member 964Cup;

Page 2, Post subject:Tubular Tyres. A Beginner's Poll.

Wish me luck......
T– minus (RBotM June) 7 days & counting

Sorry for the late post today, I’ve been busy in the workshop……
Fitting my first set of tubular tyres, thanks have to go to 964Cup for his instructions & WD Pro for recommending the Effetto mariposa tape/adhesive.

These went on so much easier than I expected, I've heard so many horror stories about how hard this can be… I followed 964Cup’s instructions (see other thread here;Tubular Tyres. A Beginner’s Poll. and all went exactly according to plan.
Right, better get some cables run…..


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I have never used tubs.

How do you repair a p******e on the road?

Does the tape allow a 2nd fitting (ie. Fitting spare)?