Dirt Disciple
Hey folks,
totally new to the board, but saw some sunn´s floating about on here, so figured I´d ask you bunch to see if anyone would like to hook me up with one?
same old story of not having enough money ready around 98 for a top of the line ride, but would like to make up for that now, so I´m preferably looking for one from the UN range seeing as christmas is around the corner and all that.
and oh yeah, located in germany, but very trustworthy member of the german board and am paypal ready as they say
thanks so far, totally looking forward to your suggestions!
totally new to the board, but saw some sunn´s floating about on here, so figured I´d ask you bunch to see if anyone would like to hook me up with one?
same old story of not having enough money ready around 98 for a top of the line ride, but would like to make up for that now, so I´m preferably looking for one from the UN range seeing as christmas is around the corner and all that.
and oh yeah, located in germany, but very trustworthy member of the german board and am paypal ready as they say
thanks so far, totally looking forward to your suggestions!