高性能自転車二輪車 Early Tushingham B52 High Performance Two Wheeler

Pop the front wheel out see if the steering binds…?

If it had prolific use on that turbo think of all the salty sweat that would have dripped on it, doubt that would have helped the paint any!! 😂🤢
Pop the front wheel out see if the steering binds…?

If it had prolific use on that turbo think of all the salty sweat that would have dripped on it, doubt that would have helped the paint any!! 😂🤢

The steering seems fine. hmmm sweaty. Might give it a wash.

Surely if it had taken a head on the front part of the headset would have popped not the rear ?

Yeah I think something else would have let go, the lug is pretty strong. Something looks amiss at the back of that lower cup though.

As it happens I sold all my brakes and levers (I run a lean 6 sigma operation here) so I have none to try on this and see if it rides OK 🤣

Will have to wait for the next breaker to come in the door and see how this rides.

Got to say I love the bar position with the tall stem and the swept bar.
Could those cracks be the effect of it being bolted to the trainer for a long period?

If you sway the frame (or try to) as you ride, normally the force of the movement has no impact as the entire bike moves. Bolted to a trainer, a decent twisting force could be applied with nowhere for them to go.....essentially flexing some very old paint?
I dunno it does flex alarmingly when bolted up. Dread to think what Chris Hoy would do to a bike on one of these....

I don't think its had a lot of use, the chain still measures exactly 12" between 12 links.

Hmmm... "Supplied by TOP MARK, Barrow". Makes sense they were a windsurf shop originally!

From : https://www.topmarkonline.com/history/

"Although Topmark was established in 1974 as a windsurfing shop it wasn’t until 1985 when one of our windsurfing suppliers returned from holiday in America where he had seen the latest sport of mountain biking. He asked if he brought in a small container of bikes to the UK, would we buy a few; which we did."