
  1. kingoffootball

    RSP Pro-line M-Trax

    I'd been wanting a nice Raleigh for a long time. I had been tempted to pick up a Raleigh Lizard, as that was my first MTB back in 1990, but I'd decided that actually it would make more sense for me to get a better quality Raleigh instead. I was intending on getting a slightly older model than...
  2. drystonepaul

    1992 Raleigh Dyna Tech Diablo

    1992 Raleigh Dyna Tech Diablo When I collected this bike during the summer it wasn't in the best of states. The original stem had been replaced with an ill fitting quill adaptor and the titanium bars were bent and distorted. The rear hub was also badly worn. However underneath the grease, dirt...
  3. kingoffootball

    1978 Raleigh Stowaway

    Time to start a thread for my R20 project. I can't perfectly recall how I decided I wanted to build one of these, but I think it began with me researching when Pirelli last made tyres for bikes. Having found the last ones they made appeared to be cream 451 tyres made for a Raleigh Twenty, I...
  4. drystonepaul

    1993 Raleigh Apex K2

    1993 Raleigh Apex K2 December 2011 Freshly built up the night before the Turkey Twizzler, here's another addition to the fleet. Utilising a selection of more or less period correct parts including the 1993 only Exage ES mechs and cantilevers matched up to some spongey Dia Compe SS5...
  5. R

    The Raleigh files

    EDIT : FluffyChicken Bringing together all the The Raleigh files All Archive Discussion leads to here, I will go through removing images no longer working (like this one in this post, but I cannot delete the first post, just edit it). Have fun and enjoy the experience.
  6. drystonepaul

    1992 Titanium Dyna Tech

    June 2010: Mountain Mayhem: Retrobike North West Area Team ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning... February 2010: I'd been looking for a cheap old...